Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow News: You Can't Beet the Garlic Road

Who would of thought of using garlic salt on snowy ice encased roads.  Seems road crews in Ankeny Iowa recieved a donation of 18,000 pounds of this savory seasoning.  Mixed with normal road salt, the garlic salt works just fine.

Garlic salt isn't the only food making its way onto snowy roads.  In Cincinnatti Ohio they have started using beet juice in their road de-icer mix.  Beet juice has a low freezing temperature, and doesn't harm the enviroment, the road or cars.  It's catching-on in many parts of the mid-west and seems like a good use for beets to me!

Drive safe in the snow!
photo by brungrrl (flickr)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Business: Be Different or Die!

Jonathan Fields over at the Small Business Trends blog reminded me of a simple point when running your business during a down economy. Be different or die.

It's easy to coast when everyone has money and people are spending freely. As soon as the economy goes bad, people get really tight with money. People start looking for value and uniqueness in what they are purchasing.

Is your product or service unique enough to get people to part with their money? Is what you do different enough from your competitors? Do you potential customers know the difference? These become critical questions to answer. If the answer to any of these question is less than a solid yes, you have some work to do in shoring up the foundations of your business.
picture by Jesus Solana

For help with surviving a down economy checkout our business boot camps starting in January!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Moving Day!

Community Education is moving into their new digs today. After six months of planning, a remodel, and hours of packing and cleaning, the move has started.

Like all moves, it will take us a few days to get organized again. If you call and don't get an immediate answer, leave a message! We only have a couple phones hooked up at this point.

We are now in the Foundation building behind Cruisen Coffee on the south end of the campus. Watch for our open house in January!